Dog Breeds Training

When considering adopting a dog, there are several aspects of ownership that you'll need to bear in mind: what kind of lifestyle do you have? How much spare time do you have? Are you an active person or a couch potato? Do you have a garden? Are there small children in your household? ..... and so on.

Once you've made a solid decision to adopt a dog, you are to be congratulated - a dog is a fantastic addition to your life and will make an excellent companion. Now it's time to sit down and really think about what kind of dog you'd like to have, and whether your preferences match your abilities to care for your preferred breed.

Contrary to popular belief, there's a great deal more to choosing a dog than simply taking home the first puppy that catches your eye. A responsible owner will spend time researching dog breeds, finding reputable breeders, speaking to them and collating first-hand information, and looking at puppies (it's generally not a good idea to succumb to the charms of the very first puppy you see - the aim is to get a good idea of what's out there in order to make an informed final decision).


Also known as a Weim or Silver Ghost are commonly used as hunting dogs, although are becoming more and more popular as a family pet. Weimaraner's can develop aggression problems, however are very receptive to correct training. They are a large dog and require regular exercise.

Weimaraner training information

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever's are one of the most popular choices for family pets. They are obedient, loyal and very friendly. Retriever's are large dogs and require daily exercise and a healthy diet. They are not particularly aggressive and train well once past the puppy age.

Golden Retriever training information


Beagles are a small to medium sized dog and are once again commonly used on hunting expeditions. They have a heightened sense of smell, so are good for tracking or as part of search and rescue teams.

Beagle training information

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dog's (also known as Queensland Heelers) are generally muscular, hard working dogs, and can work long hours at a time. As the name mentions, they are commonly used on farms as they are accustomed to chasing. They also make good watch or guard dogs and family pets.

Australian Cattle Dog training information

Jack Russell

Jack Russell's are a small, snappy dog, ideal if living space is an issue. These dog's are intelligent and interact with children. Although they are a small dog, Jack Russell's can often be bossy, it is not uncommon to see the Jack Russell asserting dominance over a larger dog.

Jack Russell training information

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