Who Is Daniel Stevens?

You may have noticed that throughout DogObedienceAdvice.com I often refer to Daniel Stevens, a fellow dog training author and his training guide 'Secrets To Dog Training'. Read on to find out why I and many others consider his guide to be the most comprehensive guide to dog training, why it is is used by thousands of dog owners all over the world.

Daniel Stevens is the renowned author of Secrets To Dog Training the dog training guide that teaches you everything you need to know about owning a dog, as well as general dog training.

Daniel's course also takes you step by step through some of the most frustrating problems that all dog owners face including aggression, chewing, digging, barking, biting and separation anxiety.

The focus of this guide is not only how to train your dog, but how to train yourself as a dog owner. This is the key to successful dog training as you can have the worlds most well-trained puppy, but with an ill-informed owner major issues will still arise.

What you will learn is that dog training is all about knowledge...... Knowing what the issues are with your dog, identifying these issues, knowing HOW to respond to your dog's misbehavior and knowing above all, knowing how to correctly encourage and reward good behavior.

This concept of empowering yourself with information is a vital aspect in building a healthy relationship with your dog.

Secrets To Dog Training covers everything and more that you will learn from 6 months of working with a professional dog trainer. The major advantage of a system like this is that YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE TRAINING YOUR DOG. This means that every step of your dog training is building your relationship with your dog, it is putting you in a position of authority every step of the way, so when the day comes that you actually need to take control of your dog in public, you can rest assured in the confidence that he will listen and obey your command, that you will know how to get the required results from your dog, and he will understand what you expect of him.

So What Does Daniel's Guide Actually Teach?

The shear amount of information packed into Secrets To Dog Training is what has made us choose to promote it on the pages of DogObedienceAdvice.com.

It covers everything a new or potential dog owner needs to know about their dog, including; What to think about before even thinking about adopting a puppy, choosing a breed/breeder, dealing with vets, different types of dog training, understanding your dog, general dog obedience, aggression (a major problem), biting, Copropohagia, chewing, digging, dog whispering, jumping, dog anxiety, dog tricks and many other, less common aspects of dog ownership.

The main Secrets To Dog Training package is laid out as 9 chapters, making it simple to follow as you progress with your dog.

After reading through all of the chapters and using the Secrets To Dog Training software I was extremely impressed at how they had seemed to cover absolutely everything, including how to track your dog training progress. So I decided to have a look at how much I would personally charge to teach someone what Dan teaches;

While I have never written my own dog training guide, based on the time it takes to properly train a dog through each of the basic training and more complex issues covered, I would estimate that Secrets To Dog Training offers the equivalent of $4000-$5000 worth of professional dog training, so $37.00 per copy is pretty amazing value for money.

The advantage of using a guide like this goes much farther than simply saving money. While paying a dog trainer is good, Daniel's theory is that training yourself is just as, if not more important than training your dog. I agree 100% on this philosophy. All too often I hear of people struggling with a dog that just won't behave.... after asking a few questions I 
often learn that they simply don't understand their dog and why their dog is behaving the way he or she is. If you are the one conducting the dog training, then you will soon learn how your dog reacts and why, and what you need to do to get the results you expect from your dog.

My Favorite Thing About Daniel Stevens' Dog Training

If I have to pick one specific feature of Secrets To Dog Training that I admire the most, it is the obvious passion that goes into developing Secrets To Dog Training and making sure every single person who uses it can reach their goals with their pet.

First of all, let's get one thing straight. Secrets To Dog Training is not just Daniel Stevens. Dan is the head of Secrets To Dog Training, but is surrounded by an equally passionate support team. An important part of the package is the free email consultation with every purchase. If you are having specific issues with your dog, you can simply fire off an email to the team, who will share their knowledge and do all they can to find a solution with you.

Another advantage of having such a dedicated support team is that they can quickly identify where Secrets To Dog Training needs to develop. I recently downloaded one of the other online dog training books (I'm not going to name names), only to find that it was exactly the same book I'd downloaded four years ago. This further reinforced for me the value of Secrets To Dog Training's customer service, knowing that the information you receive is the most comprehensive, up to date methods and techniques available.

If you have a dog, or are considering adopting a dog in the near future, then I highly suggest you go and download Dan Stevens' guide right now, before even looking at any other dog training methods.

You can Download Secrets To Dog Training From http://dogobedienceadvice.com/sitstay

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