Hello and welcome to Dog Obedience Advice. Below you will find our side-by-side comparisons of 4 top of the top guides for dealing with your dog's aggression issues.
Secrets To Dog Training is our number one pick as they comprehensively cover all facets of dealing with dog aggression, dog food aggression and dog on dog aggression, plus many general dog ownership issues. If you are having trouble with specific issues with your dog, take advantage of the Secrets To Dog Training team's extensive knowledge and experience of dog training; Simply email them and they'll help you work through the issues with your dog.
Dog Training Zone comes in at number 2 as, even though it doesn't offer everything Secrets To Dog Training does, it is priced very well.
From all of the team at DogObedienceAdvice.com, we wish you all the best for dealing with your dog's aggression!
Secrets to Dog Training
This guide is by far the most in depth, value for money dog obedience training guides available both on and offline. The information contained is comprehensive, clearly laid out and the bottom line is that the techniques will show you have to obedience train your dog in as little time possible.
Secrets To Dog Training is the mother of all dog training packages. It covers everything you need to know about dealing with behavioral and training situations you will face, and includes great bonus books on specific problems such as how to train an 'alpha dog,' 'house training methods & tricks,' 'dog grooming,' and more. For anything related to dog training or ownership, Secrets To Dog Training should be your first port-of-call, it covers what you need to consider before adopting, health issues, puppy leash training, dog training for older dogs; just to name a few. We found Secrets To Dog Training's on-site dog training experts to be the most helpful and knowledgeable of all the sites we reviewed. Members can contact the Secrets To Dog Training team (part of the 'Kingdom Of Pets' network) for free personal consultations to deal with specific training issues.
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Dog Training Zone
Within the pages of Dog Training Zone you will discover Charlie Lafave's personal tips and techniques that he says 'Will have your dog or puppy obey your every command.' From the very first page of the book, it is clear that Charlie know's what he is talking about, he know's dogs, and he know's how they respond to certain training techniques. You will learn the basics such as how ensure your dog is obedient and responsive in public and around the house, how to toilet train your puppy, plus how to deal with less common, annoying problems many dog owners face.
While this is a an excellent training guide, I don't feel that the extent of the information you receive is as valuable as in Secrets To Dog Training, but would highly recommend this book over any of the other guides.
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Dog Problems
Our third choice is the DogProblems.com membership - Membership to this site allows you to access a full library of articles, information and training instructions to help you effectively train your dog and avoid many common training issues. The only downside is that these articles and instruction manuals can be un-inspiring to read on due to the basic layout & writing style. DogProblems.com is the only site we found with an established members forum, a great resource for discussing issues with other dog owners.
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How to Train Your Dog In The Evening
Our third choice is the DogProblems.com membership - Membership to this site allows you to access a full library of articles, information and training instructions to help you effectively train your dog and avoid many common training issues. The only downside is that these articles and instruction manuals can be un-inspiring to read on due to the basic layout & writing style. DogProblems.com is the only site we found with an established members forum, a great resource for discussing issues with other dog owners.
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